Recommended Drinks
Wilderer Fynbos Gin 750ml
About this drink
Wilderer Fynbos Gin is a South African Spirit that contains 45% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This one-of-a-kind gin boasts a very well balanced assortment of herbs, spices and zest on the nose. on the palate, it reveals juniper berries, lively citrus, floral notes and Cape Fynbos in stunning complexity.
KSh5,300.00Wilderer Fynbos Gin 750ml
KSh5,300.00 -
White Cap Crisp Beer Can 330ml in Kenya
About this drink
White Cap Crisp is a Kenyan Beer that contains 3% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Crafted to perfection, this brew is free from added sugar, ensuring a pure and natural taste experience. Best served ice-cold, each sip of Whitecap Crisp Beer is an invitation to savor the moment and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
KSh245.00White Cap Crisp Beer Can 330ml in Kenya
KSh245.00 -
White Cap Lager Beer Can 500ml
About this drink
White Cap Lager is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Rich in aroma and flavor both provide huge citrus notes of orange and grapefruit along with apricot and blueberry, hints of clove and a grainy character – more crackery in the aroma, more toasty in the flavor. The body is light gold, very cloudy with a quickly dissipating, pillowy, white head.
KSh225.00White Cap Lager Beer Can 500ml