Recommended Drinks
Gilbey’s London Dry Gin 750ml
About this item
Gilbey’s is a London Dry Gin that contains 37.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A clear elixir, offering light aromas anchored in a floral juniper essence, subtly kissed by sweet orange notes. The taste journey is clean, light, and dry, concluding with an intense yet smooth finish.
KSh1,350.00Gilbey’s London Dry Gin 750ml
KSh1,350.00 -
Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml
About this item
Red Bull is an Austrian Energy Drink that contains 0% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Red Bull Energy Drink is appreciated worldwide by top athletes, students, and in highly demanding professions, as well as during long drives.
KSh190.00Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml
KSh190.00 -
Johnnie Walker Black Label Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml
About this item
Johnnie Walker Black Label is a Blended Scotch Whisky that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Johnnie Walker Black Label is loaded with layers of smooth and delicious big flavour all proudly on show – creamy toffee, rich, sweet fruit and spicy vanilla, all wrapped in sweet smoke.
KSh3,100.00 -
Savanna Premium Cider Dry Beer 330ml
About this item
Savanna Premium Cider Dry is a South African Beer that contains 6% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). It has Apple-ly fruit aromas with faint notes of honeydew lemon. The taste is semi-dry, light and clean, with a flavor reminiscent of pasteurized apple juice. Less sweet, but feels more sparkling and watery. Its a light cider.
KSh250.00Savanna Premium Cider Dry Beer 330ml
KSh250.00 -
Tusker Lager Beer Can 500ml
About this item
Tusker Lager Beer Can 500ml is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Perfectly served at a cool 3-5°, Tusker Lager is available in 500ml cans & bottles…and as a Draught that’s fresh off the tap
KSh210.00Tusker Lager Beer Can 500ml
KSh210.00 -
Smirnoff Black Ice Can 330ml
About this drink
Smirnoff Black Ice is a Russian Beer that contains 7% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This drink offers a delightful blend of vodka, natural flavors, and carbonated water in a convenient and portable format. Choose from a variety of flavor options to enjoy on any occasion.
KSh190.00Smirnoff Black Ice Can 330ml
Hermon Mount Hermon Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
KSh2,300.00 -
Atlas 12% Super Strong Beer Can 500ml
About this drink
Atlas Super Strong 12 Percent is a Dutch Beer that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Its taste is Rich, robust, warming and powerful, exceptionally round, with a slightly bitter aftertaste.
KSh250.00Atlas 12% Super Strong Beer Can 500ml
KSh250.00 -
Pep Lime Juice Cordial 1.5 Litres
About this item
Pep Lime Juice Cordial has a high sugar content compared to acidity therefore, it is mainly used to make limeade and making cocktails. It contains 0% ABV (Alcohol By Volume).
KSh280.00Pep Lime Juice Cordial 1.5 Litres
KSh280.00 -
Camus VSOP Cognac 1 Litre
About this item
Camus VSOP is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This VSOP Cognac shows an elegant golden tint with amber undertones. On the nose, it reveals a perfect balance between precious tannins and fresh notes of tropical fruits, followed by generous floral tones. On the palate, it resonates with lavish fruity notes accompanied by accents of spices and vanilla.
KSh7,000.00Camus VSOP Cognac 1 Litre
KSh7,000.00 -
Atlas 16% Mega Strong Beer Can 500ml
About this item
Atlas Mega Strong 16 Percent ABV is a Dutch/The Netherlands/Holland Beer that contains 16% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Its taste is Rich, robust, warming and powerful, exceptionally round, with a slightly bitter aftertaste.
KSh290.00Atlas 16% Mega Strong Beer Can 500ml
KSh290.00 -
Camus XO Elegance Cognac 1 Liter
About this item
Camus XO Elegance is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). On the nose, the CAMUS XO cognac contains savory aromas of bitter apricots and oranges, as well as notes of exotic fruit and a dash of deep cacao. On the palate, it is first silky with a honey-like texture and an intense florality, a direct result of the Instensity process.
KSh20,000.00Camus XO Elegance Cognac 1 Liter
KSh20,000.00 -
Camus XO Elegance Cognac 700ml
About this item
Camus XO Elegance is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). On the nose, the CAMUS XO cognac contains savory aromas of bitter apricots and oranges, as well as notes of exotic fruit and a dash of deep cacao. On the palate, it is first silky with a honey-like texture and an intense florality, a direct result of the Instensity process.
KSh19,000.00Camus XO Elegance Cognac 700ml
KSh19,000.00 -
Camus Very Special Cognac 1 Liter
About this item
Camus Very Special is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This Very Special Cognac reveals a deep golden color with shiny amber highlights. On the nose, it radiates very floral notes of jasmine and violet. On the palate, it resonates with hints of fresh mango, pear, and sweet almonds, accompanied by fine and delicate tannins. Awarded Gold at the World Spirits Competition in San Fransisco.
KSh6,300.00Camus Very Special Cognac 1 Liter
KSh6,300.00 -
Camus Very Special Cognac 700ml
About this item
Camus Very Special is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This Very Special Cognac reveals a deep golden color with shiny amber highlights. On the nose, it radiates very floral notes of jasmine and violet. On the palate, it resonates with hints of fresh mango, pear, and sweet almonds, accompanied by fine and delicate tannins. Awarded Gold at the World Spirits Competition in San Fransisco.
KSh5,000.00Camus Very Special Cognac 700ml
KSh5,000.00 -
Camus VSOP Cognac 700ml
About this item
Camus VSOP is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This VSOP Cognac shows an elegant golden tint with amber undertones. On the nose, it reveals a perfect balance between precious tannins and fresh notes of tropical fruits, followed by generous floral tones. On the palate, it resonates with lavish fruity notes accompanied by accents of spices and vanilla.
KSh6,500.00Camus VSOP Cognac 700ml