Recommended Drinks
Gilbey’s London Dry Gin 750ml
About this item
Gilbey’s is a London Dry Gin that contains 37.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A clear elixir, offering light aromas anchored in a floral juniper essence, subtly kissed by sweet orange notes. The taste journey is clean, light, and dry, concluding with an intense yet smooth finish.
KSh1,350.00Gilbey’s London Dry Gin 750ml
KSh1,350.00 -
Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml
About this item
Red Bull is an Austrian Energy Drink that contains 0% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Red Bull Energy Drink is appreciated worldwide by top athletes, students, and in highly demanding professions, as well as during long drives.
KSh190.00Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml
KSh190.00 -
Johnnie Walker Black Label Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml
About this item
Johnnie Walker Black Label is a Blended Scotch Whisky that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Johnnie Walker Black Label is loaded with layers of smooth and delicious big flavour all proudly on show – creamy toffee, rich, sweet fruit and spicy vanilla, all wrapped in sweet smoke.
KSh3,100.00 -
Savanna Premium Cider Dry Beer 330ml
About this item
Savanna Premium Cider Dry is a South African Beer that contains 6% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). It has Apple-ly fruit aromas with faint notes of honeydew lemon. The taste is semi-dry, light and clean, with a flavor reminiscent of pasteurized apple juice. Less sweet, but feels more sparkling and watery. Its a light cider.
KSh250.00Savanna Premium Cider Dry Beer 330ml
KSh250.00 -
Tusker Lager Beer Can 500ml
About this item
Tusker Lager Beer Can 500ml is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Perfectly served at a cool 3-5°, Tusker Lager is available in 500ml cans & bottles…and as a Draught that’s fresh off the tap
KSh210.00Tusker Lager Beer Can 500ml
KSh210.00 -
Smirnoff Black Ice Can 330ml
About this drink
Smirnoff Black Ice is a Russian Beer that contains 7% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This drink offers a delightful blend of vodka, natural flavors, and carbonated water in a convenient and portable format. Choose from a variety of flavor options to enjoy on any occasion.
KSh190.00Smirnoff Black Ice Can 330ml
Hermon Mount Hermon Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
KSh2,300.00 -
The Sexton Single Malt Irish Whiskey 1 Litre
KSh4,700.00 -
Frontera Sweet Red Wine 1.5 Litres
About this item
Frontera Sweet Red is a Chilean sweet red wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Fascinating ruby-red wine with violet tones, floral aroma and red fruits notes. Fresh, sweet, juicy and persistent in palate. Ideal to serve with fresh berries, desserts and sweet pastries with red fruits jam.
KSh1,850.00Frontera Sweet Red Wine 1.5 Litres
KSh1,850.00 -
Frontera Sweet Red Wine 750ml
About this item
Frontera Sweet Red is a Chilean sweet red wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Fascinating ruby-red wine with violet tones, floral aroma and red fruits notes. Fresh, sweet, juicy and persistent in palate. Ideal to serve with fresh berries, desserts and sweet pastries with red fruits jam.
KSh1,150.00Frontera Sweet Red Wine 750ml
KSh1,150.00 -
Frontera Cabernet Blush 1.5 Litres
About this item
Frontera Cabernet Blush is a Chilean sweet rose wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Soft rose color wine with a delicate fruity aroma, and notes of strawberry and raspberry. Cabernet Blush is ideal to celebrate outdoor. You will love the freshness and sweet finish of this wine. Ideal to serve as aperitif or with spicy food like Asian, Peruvian or Mexican.
KSh1,850.00Frontera Cabernet Blush 1.5 Litres
KSh1,850.00 -
Frontera Cabernet Blush 750ml
About this item
Frontera Cabernet Blush is a Chilean sweet rose wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Soft rose color wine with a delicate fruity aroma, and notes of strawberry and raspberry. Cabernet Blush is ideal to celebrate outdoor. You will love the freshness and sweet finish of this wine. Ideal to serve as aperitif or with spicy food like Asian, Peruvian or Mexican.
KSh1,150.00Frontera Cabernet Blush 750ml
KSh1,150.00 -
Frontera Merlot Wine 1.5 Litres
About this item
Frontera Merlot is a Chilean dry red wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This intense and bright ruby-red wine holds an enchanting aroma of cherry and peppers with a soft touch of cacao. Enjoy special moments with this well-rounded and elegant in-palate Merlot. Special to serve with pasta, cheese, red meat, and grilled chicken.
KSh1,950.00Frontera Merlot Wine 1.5 Litres
KSh1,950.00 -
Frontera Merlot Wine 750ml
About this item
Frontera Merlot is a Chilean dry red wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This intense and bright ruby-red wine holds an enchanting aroma of cherry and peppers with a soft touch of cacao. Enjoy special moments with this well-rounded and elegant in-palate Merlot. Special to serve with pasta, cheese, red meat, and grilled chicken.
KSh1,150.00Frontera Merlot Wine 750ml
KSh1,150.00 -
Frontera Sauvignon Blanc 1.5 Litres
About this item
Frontera Sauvignon Blanc is a Chilean dry white wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Wine with a bright greenish-yellow color and a fruity aroma, with citrus and pear notes. In the mouth it is light, fresh, and balanced, making it an ideal companion for appetizers or enjoyed with light preparations. Ideal to accompany seafood, and fish with light sauces and salads.
KSh1,950.00Frontera Sauvignon Blanc 1.5 Litres
KSh1,950.00 -
Frontera Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
About this item
Frontera Sauvignon Blanc is a Chilean dry white wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Wine with a bright greenish-yellow color and a fruity aroma, with citrus and pear notes. In the mouth it is light, fresh, and balanced, making it an ideal companion for appetizers or enjoyed with light preparations. Ideal to accompany seafood, and fish with light sauces and salads.
KSh1,150.00Frontera Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
KSh1,150.00 -
Frontera Chardonnay Wine 1.5 Litres
About this item
Frontera Chardonnay is a Chilean dry white wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Wine with a fruity aroma, with notes of apple, pear, papaya, and pineapple, and subtle touches of butter. Its refreshing and balanced flavor is perfect for harmonizing a romantic evening or a relaxed evening. An excellent companion for seafood, fish with creamy sauces, salads, and white meats.
KSh1,950.00Frontera Chardonnay Wine 1.5 Litres
KSh1,950.00 -
Frontera Chardonnay Wine 750ml
About this item
Frontera Chardonnay is a Chilean dry white wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Wine with a fruity aroma, with notes of apple, pear, papaya, and pineapple, and subtle touches of butter. Its refreshing and balanced flavor is perfect for harmonizing a romantic evening or a relaxed evening. An excellent companion for seafood, fish with creamy sauces, salads, and white meats.
KSh1,150.00Frontera Chardonnay Wine 750ml
KSh1,150.00 -
Frontera Shiraz Wine 1.5 Litres
About this item
Frontera Shiraz Wine is a Chilean dry red wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Appealing ruby-red wine with an enchanting ripe fruit aroma and soft notes of vanilla and chocolate. Balanced in the palate, well structured with a persistent flavor. This Syrah is essential in those evenings of conversations and relaxation. Ideal to serve with red meat, curry, or spicy meals as Asian or Latin food.
KSh1,850.00Frontera Shiraz Wine 1.5 Litres
KSh1,850.00 -
Frontera Shiraz Wine 750ml
About this item
Frontera Shiraz Wine is a Chilean dry red wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Appealing ruby-red wine with an enchanting ripe fruit aroma and soft notes of vanilla and chocolate. Balanced in the palate, well structured with a persistent flavor. This Syrah is essential in those evenings of conversations and relaxation. Ideal to serve with red meat, curry, or spicy meals as Asian or Latin food.
KSh1,150.00Frontera Shiraz Wine 750ml
KSh1,150.00 -
Frontera Late Harvest 1.5 Litres
About this item
Frontera Late Harvest is a Chilean sweet white wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Bright golden yellow in color, this wine conquers the senses with a complex aroma, and notes of dried flowers and honey. In the mouth, it is fresh, sweet, and persistent, ideal to accompany a sweet moment. Ideal as an aperitif or to enjoy with fruit and desserts.
KSh1,850.00Frontera Late Harvest 1.5 Litres
KSh1,850.00 -
Frontera Late Harvest 750ml
About this item
Frontera Late Harvest is a Chilean sweet white wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Bright golden yellow in color, this wine conquers the senses with a complex aroma, and notes of dried flowers and honey. In the mouth, it is fresh, sweet, and persistent, ideal to accompany a sweet moment. Ideal as an aperitif or to enjoy with fruit and desserts.
KSh1,150.00Frontera Late Harvest 750ml
KSh1,150.00 -
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5 Litres
About this item
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon is a Chilean dry red wine that contains 14.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Ideal to serve with red meat, cheese, spicy casseroles, and pasta.
KSh1,950.00Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5 Litres
KSh1,950.00 -
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
About this item
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon is a Chilean dry red wine that contains 14.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Ideal to serve with red meat, cheese, spicy casseroles, and pasta.
KSh1,150.00Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
KSh1,150.00 -
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon Wine 3 Litres
About this item
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon Wine 3 Litres is a Chilean dry red wine that contains 14.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Ideal to serve with red meat, cheese, spicy casseroles, and pasta.
KSh2,700.00Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon Wine 3 Litres