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Tanqueray London Dry Gin 1 Litre
About this item
Tanqueray Imported London Dry Gin is an England Gin that contains 47.3% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Enjoy a classic Gin and Tonic by pouring Tanqueray London Dry Gin over ice in a wine glass, topping up with premium tonic, and garnishing with a lime wedge.
KSh3,300.00Tanqueray London Dry Gin 1 Litre
KSh3,300.00 -
Tanqueray Imported London Dry Gin 750ml
About this item
Tanqueray Imported London Dry Gin is an England Gin that contains 47.3% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Enjoy a classic Gin and Tonic by pouring Tanqueray London Dry Gin over ice in a wine glass, topping up with premium tonic, and garnishing with a lime wedge.
KSh2,600.00Tanqueray Imported London Dry Gin 750ml
Are you looking for quality Portuguese wine drinks in Kenya? Order online quality Sandeman wine drinks in Kenya and get free alcohol delivery within Nairobi CBD. Place your orders at Liquor Square and get your Sandeman wine drinks delivered within Nairobi for free.
Sandeman is a brand of Port and Sherry wines founded in 1790. Its well known logo features a caped man known as “The Don” dressed in a Portuguese student’s cape and a wide traditional Andalusian type hat. Besides Port and Sherry wines, it also produces Brandy and Madeira wine.