Recommended Drinks
Olepasu Natural Sweet White Wine 750ml
Order online and get it delivered to your doorstep within a few minutes in Nairobi. We offer free delivery within and around Nairobi CBD.
Alcohol by Volume: 9% ABV
Country of Origin: Italy
Size/Volume: 750ml
KSh1,050.00Olepasu Natural Sweet White Wine 750ml
KSh1,050.00 -
Olepasu Natural Sweet Red Wine 750ml
Order online and get it delivered to your doorstep within a few minutes in Nairobi. We offer free delivery within and around Nairobi CBD.
Alcohol by Volume: 9% ABV
Country of Origin: Italy
Size/Volume: 750ml
KSh1,050.00Olepasu Natural Sweet Red Wine 750ml
KSh1,050.00 -
Oban Little Bay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
KSh11,000.00 -
Heineken Keg Beer 20 Litres
About this drink
Heineken Original is a Dutch Beer that contains 5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This unique yeast creates a full flavour and the typical fruity tones. The finish is mild and softly bitter. Be reassured the can saves the balanced richness in taste, the refreshing clarity and a beautiful golden-yellow color inside.
KSh15,500.00Heineken Keg Beer 20 Litres
KSh15,500.00 -
Heineken Original Pure Malt Lager Beer 330ml
About this drink
Heineken Original is a Dutch Beer that contains 5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This unique yeast creates a full flavour and the typical fruity tones. The finish is mild and softly bitter. Be reassured the can saves the balanced richness in taste, the refreshing clarity and a beautiful golden-yellow color inside.
KSh265.00 -
Heineken 0.0 Zero Pure Malt Lager Beer 330ml
About this drink
Heineken 0.0 Zero Pure Malt Lager is a Dutch Beer that contains 0% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Brewing a great tasting 0.0% alcohol free malt beverage, is it even possible? This drink is defined by its refreshing fruity notes and soft malty body – perfectly balanced.
KSh210.00 -
Heineken Original Beer Can 500ml
About this drink
Heineken Original is a Dutch Beer that contains 5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This unique yeast creates a full flavour and the typical fruity tones. The finish is mild and softly bitter. Be reassured the can saves the balanced richness in taste, the refreshing clarity and a beautiful golden-yellow color inside.
KSh290.00Heineken Original Beer Can 500ml
KSh290.00 -
Choco Toffee Red Wine 750ml
About this item
Choco Toffee is a German sweet red wine that contains 10% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Indulge in the deep, dark richness of Choco Toffee Red Wine, offering delicate nuances of toffee paired with a subtle hint of noble chocolate.
KSh1,700.00Choco Toffee Red Wine 750ml