Recommended Drinks
Offley White Porto Fortified Wine 750ml
About this drink
Offley White Porto is a Portuguese Fortified Wine that contains 19.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Offley White Port Fortified Wine has an attractive yellow-straw hue, intense aroma dominated by floral, apricot and peach, marmalade and nutty notes. In the mouth, the balance between acidity and sweetness stands out, culminating in a lingering and elegant finish.
KSh2,800.00Offley White Porto Fortified Wine 750ml
KSh2,800.00 -
Flirt Vodka Strawberry 1 Litre
About this item
Flirt Vodka Strawberry is a Bulgarian Vodka Spirit that contains 37.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Flirt Vodka Strawberry from Bulgaria offers a sweet and refreshing experience with its mild aroma and delightful strawberry taste.
KSh1,400.00Flirt Vodka Strawberry 1 Litre
KSh1,400.00 -
Flirt Vodka Chocolate 1 Litre
About this item
Flirt Vodka Chocolate is a Bulgarian Vodka Spirit that contains 37.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Perfect as a cocktail base or enjoyed neat for a luxurious treat. Enhance your relaxation with the soothing aroma of chocolate.
KSh1,400.00Flirt Vodka Chocolate 1 Litre
KSh1,400.00 -
Flirt Vodka Green Apple 700ml
About this item
Flirt Vodka Green Apple is a Bulgarian Vodka Spirit that contains 37.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The taste is a harmonious blend of boldness and sweetness, delivering the enchanting green apple flavor that stands as the very essence of Flirt Vodka. It’s a testament to Bulgarian artistry and a celebration of the timeless appeal of green apples.
KSh850.00Flirt Vodka Green Apple 700ml
KSh850.00 -
Flirt Vodka Orange 1 Litre
About this item
Flirt Vodka Orange is a Bulgarian Vodka Spirit that contains 37.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The taste is a harmonious blend of citric sweetness, showcasing the natural allure of oranges. Flirt Vodka Orange is a testament to the artistry of Bulgarian craftsmanship, capturing the essence of this beloved citrus fruit.
KSh1,400.00Flirt Vodka Orange 1 Litre
KSh1,400.00 -
Flirt Vodka Green Apple 1 Litre
About this item
Flirt Vodka Green Apple is a Bulgarian Vodka Spirit that contains 37.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The taste is a harmonious blend of boldness and sweetness, delivering the enchanting green apple flavor that stands as the very essence of Flirt Vodka. It’s a testament to Bulgarian artistry and a celebration of the timeless appeal of green apples.
KSh1,400.00Flirt Vodka Green Apple 1 Litre
KSh1,400.00 -
O.J. Strong Beer 16 Percent ABV 500ml
About this item
O.J. Strong Beer 16 Percent ABV is a Belgian Beer that contains 16% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Brace yourself for a powerful palate experience. O.J. Strong Beer at 16% ABV delivers a bold and intense taste profile, with layers of malty sweetness and a warming sensation that lingers.
KSh290.00O.J. Strong Beer 16 Percent ABV 500ml