Recommended Drinks
Altar Wine Sweet Red Tanzania TZ 750ml
KSh1,200.00 -
Malfy Con Limone Lemon Flavoured Gin 750ml
KSh4,300.00 -
KSh3,000.00Sandeman Porto Fine White Wine 750ml
KSh2,600.00KSh3,000.00 -
KSh3,000.00Sandeman Porto Fine Ruby Wine 750ml
KSh2,300.00KSh3,000.00 -
KSh3,000.00Sandeman Porto Fine Tawny Port Wine 750ml
KSh2,600.00KSh3,000.00 -
Strawberry Lips Cream Liqueur 750ml
About this item
Strawberry Lips is a South African Cream Liqueur that contains 16% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Enjoy the rich, creamy texture with vibrant notes of ripe strawberries and the subtle warmth of gold tequila.
KSh2,000.00Strawberry Lips Cream Liqueur 750ml
Are you looking for quality Italian gin drinks in Kenya? Order online quality Malfy gin drinks in Kenya and get free alcohol delivery within Nairobi CBD. Place your orders online at Liquor Square store and get your Malfy gin drinks near you and believe me, they will be delivered within Nairobi for free.
The price of Malfy gin in Kenya ranges from Ksh. 4,000 at Liquor Square online and physical liquor store.