Recommended Drinks
Butlers Strawberry Flavoured Liqueur 750ml
KSh1,850.00 -
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout Beer Can 500ml
About this drink
Guinness is an Irish Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Guinness has smells of roasted malts with definite hints of coffee beans. It has a very clean, smooth and refreshing mouthfeel with a slightly roasted flavour profile.
KSh225.00 -
Faxe 10% Extra Strong Beer Can 500ml
About this drink
Faxe 10 Percent Extra Strong Beer is a Danish Beer that contains 10% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This is a great beer that doesn’t compromise on either alcohol percentage or taste. Try it – you will never order a cocktail again.
KSh265.00Faxe 10% Extra Strong Beer Can 500ml
KSh265.00 -
Finery Cucumber Infused Handcrafted Gin 750ml
KSh3,800.00 -
Finery Amber Elderflower Handcrafted Gin 750ml
KSh3,800.00 -
Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey 750ml
About this item
Jameson Black Barrel is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Rich in intensified aromas of butterscotch, fudge and creamy toffee. Nutty notes are in abundance alongside the smooth sweetness of spice and vanilla.
KSh4,200.00Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey 750ml
KSh4,200.00 -
Jameson Irish Whiskey 4.5 Litres
About this item
Jameson is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness.
KSh17,000.00Jameson Irish Whiskey 4.5 Litres
KSh17,000.00 -
Jameson Irish Whiskey 375ml
About this item
Jameson is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness.
KSh1,300.00Jameson Irish Whiskey 375ml
KSh1,300.00 -
Jameson Irish Whiskey 1 Litre
About this item
Jameson is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness.
KSh3,200.00Jameson Irish Whiskey 1 Litre
KSh3,200.00 -
Jameson Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey 750ml
About this item
Jameson is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness.
KSh2,350.00Jameson Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey 750ml
KSh2,350.00 -
Butlers Crème De Banana Liqueur 750ml
About this item
Butlers Crème De Banana is a South African Liqueur that contains 24% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Indulge in the velvety richness as the palate is caressed by the smooth infusion of creamy banana goodness. The delicate balance of sweetness unfolds, offering a taste that lingers.
KSh1,850.00Butlers Crème De Banana Liqueur 750ml
Order online quality Jameson Irish Whiskey drinks in Kenya and get free alcohol delivery within Nairobi CBD.
Are you looking for quality Jameson Whiskey drinks in Kenya? Place your orders at Liquor Square and get your Jameson Whiskey drinks delivered within Nairobi for free. The profile of the Jameson whiskey is indicative of the blending techniques known to other whiskeys aged in various kinds of casks, and that is one reason why it remains such a delicious and popular whiskey for so many people all over the world.