Recommended Drinks
Delush Natural Sweet White Wine 5 Litres
KSh2,500.00 -
Delush Natural Sweet Red Wine 5 Litres
KSh2,500.00 -
Mars Iwai Japanese Blended Whisky 750ml
About this drink
Mars Iwai is a Japanese Blended Whisky that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A rich gold whisky with light, sweet and floral fragrances with notes of sweet pear and dark cacao. It has a beautiful soft body with underlying flavours of dried fig and allspice with a soft malt finish and hints of ginger cookies and honey milk. Aged in bourbon, sherry, American white oaks.
KSh5,000.00Mars Iwai Japanese Blended Whisky 750ml
KSh5,000.00 -
Aperol Aperitivo Italian Spritz 1 Litre
KSh3,500.00 -
D’usse VSOP Cognac 750ml
About this item
D’usse Very Superior Old Pale is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). On the nose, it reveals a powerful bouquet, rich in woody notes that are layered with touches of cinnamon and floral notes.
KSh9,800.00D’usse VSOP Cognac 750ml
KSh9,800.00 -
Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey 750ml
About this item
Jameson Black Barrel is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Rich in intensified aromas of butterscotch, fudge and creamy toffee. Nutty notes are in abundance alongside the smooth sweetness of spice and vanilla.
KSh4,200.00Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey 750ml
KSh4,200.00 -
Jameson Irish Whiskey 4.5 Litres
About this item
Jameson is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness.
KSh17,000.00Jameson Irish Whiskey 4.5 Litres
KSh17,000.00 -
Jameson Irish Whiskey 375ml
About this item
Jameson is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness.
KSh1,300.00Jameson Irish Whiskey 375ml
KSh1,300.00 -
Jameson Irish Whiskey 1 Litre
About this item
Jameson is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness.
KSh3,200.00Jameson Irish Whiskey 1 Litre
KSh3,200.00 -
Jameson Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey 750ml
About this item
Jameson is an Irish Blended Whiskey that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness.
KSh2,350.00Jameson Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey 750ml
KSh2,350.00 -
Balozi Lager Beer Can 500ml
About this item
Balozi Lager is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Balozi is rich in natural taste, has no added sugar but character and it is a brewing excellence. Order now and enjoy either alone or with friends.
KSh210.00Balozi Lager Beer Can 500ml