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Monin Blue Curacao Syrup Liqueur 750ml
KSh2,700.00 -
Mars Iwai Japanese Blended Whisky 750ml
About this drink
Mars Iwai is a Japanese Blended Whisky that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A rich gold whisky with light, sweet and floral fragrances with notes of sweet pear and dark cacao. It has a beautiful soft body with underlying flavours of dried fig and allspice with a soft malt finish and hints of ginger cookies and honey milk. Aged in bourbon, sherry, American white oaks.
KSh5,000.00Mars Iwai Japanese Blended Whisky 750ml
KSh5,000.00 -
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila 700ml
About this item
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila is a Mexican Tequila that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Let your palate revel in the layers of flavor. Embrace vanilla-y and earthy agave notes that intertwine seamlessly. A subtle touch of tropical fruit sweetness and honey adds a delightful complexity to every sip.
KSh55,000.00KSh60,000.00Clase Azul Reposado Tequila 700ml
KSh55,000.00KSh60,000.00 -
Clase Azul Plata Tequila 700ml
About this item
Clase Azul Plata is a Mexican Tequila that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Clase Azul Plata Tequila leaves you with a long, often sweet aftertaste, inviting you to linger on the experience and appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into every bottle.
KSh26,000.00Clase Azul Plata Tequila 700ml

Clase Azul Reposado Tequila 700ml for Sale in Kenya Free Delivery Nairobi CBD