Recommended Drinks
Gato Negro Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5 Litres
KSh1,600.00 -
SKYY Vodka 750ml
About this drink
SKYY Vodka an American Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Its clean, crisp taste can be enjoyed on the rocks or in your favorite drinks. This smooth and versatile spirit is also perfect for creating a new cocktail of your own invention.
KSh2,500.00SKYY Vodka 750ml
KSh2,500.00 -
Are you looking for quality French Vodka drinks in Kenya? Order online quality Ciroc vodka drinks in Kenya and get free alcohol delivery within Nairobi CBD. Place your orders at Liquor Square and get your Ciroc vodka drinks delivered within Nairobi for free.
CÎROC is a truly modern vodka, inspired by more than a century of wine-making expertise and craftsmanship. It is the fine French grapes and the fifth distillation that gives CÎROC a distinctive flavour with an exceptionally fresh, smooth and fruity taste. The perfect accompaniment for every celebration!
Discover more about the portfolio of masterfully infused flavours. Welcome to a world of playful luxury, celebration and delicious cocktails.