Recommended Drinks
Bottega Manzoni Moscato Rose Champagne 750ml
About this drink
Bottega Manzoni Moscato Rose is an Italian Champagne wine that contains 7% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Tastes Sweet, elegant, harmonic, balanced, with a long aromatic persistence, but also fresh thanks to its acidity and tannins which balance the high sugar content.
KSh5,400.00Bottega Manzoni Moscato Rose Champagne 750ml
KSh5,400.00 -
Bottega Gold Prosecco Champagne 750ml
About this drink
Bottega Gold Prosecco is an Italian Champagne wine that contains 11% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The palate is balanced and fresh, with fine bubbles and good acidity. It has nothing to envy of a champagne. Let yourself be seduced by this DOCG Superiore certified organic Prosecco.
KSh5,400.00Bottega Gold Prosecco Champagne 750ml
KSh5,400.00 -
KSh2,300.00Cinzano Vermouth Rosso 750ml (15% ABV) C.O Italy
KSh2,000.00KSh2,300.00 -
Konyagi Potable Spirit 750ml
About this drink
Konyagi Spirit is a Tanzanian Potable Spirit that contains 35% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This is a versatile drink that can be used as an alternative for rum, vodka or gin. A great amalgamation of citrus, spices and tropical fruity notes.
KSh850.00Konyagi Potable Spirit 750ml
KSh850.00 -
Konyagi Potable Spirit 500ml
About this drink
Konyagi Spirit is a Tanzanian Potable Spirit that contains 35% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This is a versatile drink that can be used as an alternative for rum, vodka or gin. A great amalgamation of citrus, spices and tropical fruity notes.
KSh600.00Konyagi Potable Spirit 500ml
KSh600.00 -
Konyagi Potable Spirit 250ml
About this drink
Konyagi Spirit is a Tanzanian Potable Spirit that contains 35% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This is a versatile drink that can be used as an alternative for rum, vodka or gin. A great amalgamation of citrus, spices and tropical fruity notes.
KSh340.00Konyagi Potable Spirit 250ml
KSh340.00 -
Taylor’s 10 Year Old Tawny Port 750ml
About this item
Taylor’s 10 Year Old Tawny Port is a Portuguese Vermouth wine that contains 20% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Enjoy as a delightful aperitif, or pair with hard, nutty cheeses, apple pie, tarte tatin, baked figs, orange tart, caramel tart, or cooked strawberries with pepper.
KSh4,000.00Taylor’s 10 Year Old Tawny Port 750ml
KSh4,000.00 -
African Secret Marula Cream Liqueur 750ml
About this item
African Secret Marula Cream is a South African Liqueur that contains 15.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The palate is greeted by a velvety symphony, as the creaminess mingles seamlessly with the natural sweetness of Marula. Each sip is a journey through the lush orchards of the African continent.
KSh2,000.00African Secret Marula Cream Liqueur 750ml