Recommended Drinks
Canti Prosecco D.O.C. ICE Demi Sec Wine 750ml
KSh2,100.00 -
Canti Merlot Red Dry Wine 750ml
About this drink
Canti Merlot is an Italian dry red wine that contains 11.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This CANTI Merlot wine is Ruby red in colour with violet hues. Aroma: Intense, rich and elegant with scents of ripe fruit. Flavour: Ethereal, rich, spicy and well balanced. Serving suggestion: Excellent with meat based dishes, game and seasoned cheese.
KSh1,200.00Canti Merlot Red Dry Wine 750ml
KSh1,200.00 -
SKYY Vodka 750ml
About this drink
SKYY Vodka an American Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Its clean, crisp taste can be enjoyed on the rocks or in your favorite drinks. This smooth and versatile spirit is also perfect for creating a new cocktail of your own invention.
KSh2,500.00SKYY Vodka 750ml
KSh2,500.00 -