Recommended Drinks
Canti Prosecco D.O.C. ICE Demi Sec Wine 750ml
KSh2,100.00 -
Canti Merlot Red Dry Wine 750ml
About this drink
Canti Merlot is an Italian dry red wine that contains 11.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This CANTI Merlot wine is Ruby red in colour with violet hues. Aroma: Intense, rich and elegant with scents of ripe fruit. Flavour: Ethereal, rich, spicy and well balanced. Serving suggestion: Excellent with meat based dishes, game and seasoned cheese.
KSh1,200.00Canti Merlot Red Dry Wine 750ml
KSh1,200.00 -
Rampur Asava Indian Single Malt Whisky 750ml
KSh7,300.00 -
Calvet Varietals Sauvignon Blanc Wine 750ml
KSh1,000.00 -
Calvet Celebration Sparkling Brut White 750ml
KSh1,600.00 -
Hennessy X.O Cognac 1 Litre
About this item
Hennessy X.O is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Indulge in sweet candied fruit flavors, followed by a rising heat and spicy edge. Discover hints of chocolate and oak, culminating in a long, lingering finish.
KSh40,000.00Hennessy X.O Cognac 1 Litre
KSh40,000.00 -
Hennessy X.O Cognac 700ml
About this item
Hennessy X.O is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Indulge in sweet candied fruit flavors, followed by a rising heat and spicy edge. Discover hints of chocolate and oak, culminating in a long, lingering finish.
KSh35,000.00Hennessy X.O Cognac 700ml
KSh35,000.00 -
Hennessy V.S Very Special 375ml
About this item
Hennessy V.S Very Special is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Its aromatic intensity is reflected in a rich, creamy palate, which brings an added dimension of vanilla, all rounded off by an exuberantly fresh and floral finish.
KSh2,600.00Hennessy V.S Very Special 375ml
KSh2,600.00 -
Hennessy V.S Very Special 1 Litre
About this item
Hennessy V.S Very Special is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Its aromatic intensity is reflected in a rich, creamy palate, which brings an added dimension of vanilla, all rounded off by an exuberantly fresh and floral finish.
KSh7,500.00Hennessy V.S Very Special 1 Litre
KSh7,500.00 -
Hennessy Very Special (V.S) Cognac 700ml
About this item
Hennessy V.S Very Special is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Its aromatic intensity is reflected in a rich, creamy palate, which brings an added dimension of vanilla, all rounded off by an exuberantly fresh and floral finish.
KSh4,700.00Hennessy Very Special (V.S) Cognac 700ml
KSh4,700.00 -
Calvet Celebration Brut Rosé Wine 750ml
About this item
Calvet Celebration Brut Rosé is a French dry rose sparkling wine that contains 12% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Bright pale pink color. Fine and elegant nose with notes of red berries with a dominant strawberry. Creamy palate, dominant strawberry milk notes, floral notes on the finish with nice length.
KSh1,600.00Calvet Celebration Brut Rosé Wine 750ml
KSh1,600.00 -
Calvet Grande Reserve Bordeaux Supérieur 750ml
About this item
Calvet Grande Reserve Bordeaux Supérieur is a French dry red wine that contains 14% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Nose: The powerful bouquet is complex and shows notes of red berry fruit and spices. Palate: On the palate, the attack is pleasant and structured, with flavours of cherry and vanilla. The finish is long and pleasant.
KSh2,600.00Calvet Grande Reserve Bordeaux Supérieur 750ml
KSh2,600.00 -
Calvet Réserve Bordeaux Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
About this item
Calvet Réserve Bordeaux Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon is a French dry red wine that contains 14.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The nose reveals strong, fruity notes of blackcurrants and candied cherries. The palate is soft with long-lasting flavours, notes of sour cherries.
KSh1,900.00Calvet Réserve Bordeaux Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
KSh1,900.00 -
Hennessy VSOP Privilege Cognac 1 Litre
About this item
Hennessy VSOP Privilege is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Releases very mature notes, evoking the aroma of fresh fruit coupled with a sensation of suppleness that settles in to underscore the harmony of this cognac.
KSh13,000.00Hennessy VSOP Privilege Cognac 1 Litre
KSh13,000.00 -
Hennessy V.S Nas Limited Edition 700ml 50 Years Of Hip Hop
About this item
Hennessy Very Special X Nas Limited Edition is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Its aromatic intensity is reflected in a rich, creamy palate, which brings an added dimension of vanilla, all rounded off by an exuberantly fresh and floral finish.
KSh4,700.00 -
Hennessy VSOP Privilege Cognac 700ml
About this item
Hennessy VSOP Privilege is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Releases very mature notes, evoking the aroma of fresh fruit coupled with a sensation of suppleness that settles in to underscore the harmony of this cognac.
KSh9,500.00Hennessy VSOP Privilege Cognac 700ml