Recommended Drinks
Zonin Cuvée Prosecco Sparkling Wine 750ml
KSh3,000.00 -
Canti Prosecco D.O.C. ICE Demi Sec Wine 750ml
KSh2,100.00 -
Canti Merlot Red Dry Wine 750ml
About this drink
Canti Merlot is an Italian dry red wine that contains 11.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This CANTI Merlot wine is Ruby red in colour with violet hues. Aroma: Intense, rich and elegant with scents of ripe fruit. Flavour: Ethereal, rich, spicy and well balanced. Serving suggestion: Excellent with meat based dishes, game and seasoned cheese.
KSh1,200.00Canti Merlot Red Dry Wine 750ml
KSh1,200.00 -
Desperados Tequila Beer 330ml
About this drink
Desperados Tequila is a French Beer that contains 5.9% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Unique combination of gold colour. Full bodied lager beer with a kick of tequila flavour. A fine balanced premium beer with distinct accessible taste. Light bitterness and refreshing citric notes.
KSh300.00Desperados Tequila Beer 330ml
KSh300.00 -
Courvoisier XO Cognac 700ml
About this item
Courvoisier Extra Old (X.O) is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The palate is strongly vanilla, with ginger spice. There are flavours of dark chocolate the deepest note in their flavour profile.
KSh18,000.00Courvoisier XO Cognac 700ml
KSh18,000.00 -
Courvoisier VSOP Cognac 1 Litre
About this item
Courvoisier Very Superior Old Pale is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A very smooth with an excellent balance of oak and floral flavours that can be fully appreciated neat or mixed with ice and water, it’s also excellent with long drinks.
KSh7,500.00Courvoisier VSOP Cognac 1 Litre
KSh7,500.00 -
Courvoisier V.S.O.P Cognac 700ml
About this item
Courvoisier Very Superior Old Pale is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A very smooth with an excellent balance of oak and floral flavours that can be fully appreciated neat or mixed with ice and water, it’s also excellent with long drinks.
KSh6,500.00Courvoisier V.S.O.P Cognac 700ml
KSh6,500.00 -
Courvoisier VS Cognac 1 Litre
About this item
Courvoisier V.S Very Special is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). An elegant and harmonious cognac with strong notes of fresh fruit and fresh oaky taste.
KSh6,500.00Courvoisier VS Cognac 1 Litre
KSh6,500.00 -
Courvoisier Very Special (V.S) Cognac 750ml
About this item
Courvoisier V.S Very Special is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). An elegant and harmonious cognac with strong notes of fresh fruit and fresh oaky taste.
KSh5,000.00Courvoisier Very Special (V.S) Cognac 750ml
KSh5,000.00 -
D’usse VSOP Cognac 750ml
About this item
D’usse Very Superior Old Pale is a French Cognac that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). On the nose, it reveals a powerful bouquet, rich in woody notes that are layered with touches of cinnamon and floral notes.
KSh9,800.00D’usse VSOP Cognac 750ml