Recommended Drinks
Desperados Original Flavoured Beer – Cerveza Can 500ml
About this drink
Desperados Original is a Spanish flavored Beer that contains 5.9% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This unique taste sensation combines the bitter of beer with the sweet of Agave spirit. Ideal for any toasting moment at home with friends or family, but also the perfect specialty beer for a next level party in the club or at a festival!
KSh290.00 -
Glenmorangie Signet Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
About this drink
Glenmorangie Signet is a Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky that contains 46% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Signet contains a velvet explosion of flavour. Bursts of bitter mocha, sizzling spice and waves of dark chocolate, mellowed by smooth butterscotch. Whisky, as you have never tasted it before.
KSh26,000.00 -
Desperados Tequila Beer 330ml
About this drink
Desperados Tequila is a French Beer that contains 5.9% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Unique combination of gold colour. Full bodied lager beer with a kick of tequila flavour. A fine balanced premium beer with distinct accessible taste. Light bitterness and refreshing citric notes.
KSh300.00Desperados Tequila Beer 330ml
KSh300.00 -
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 750ml
About this drink
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit is a Kenyan Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This drink has an aroma of malts and cracked nuts, with a sweet taste and a smooth intense flavour. A bold, warming Caribbean rum blended with spices and aged in Pedro Ximenez sherry casks for a distinctive finish.
KSh730.00Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 750ml
KSh730.00 -
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 350ml
About this drink
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit is a Kenyan Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This drink has an aroma of malts and cracked nuts, with a sweet taste and a smooth intense flavour. A bold, warming Caribbean rum blended with spices and aged in Pedro Ximenez sherry casks for a distinctive finish.
KSh370.00Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 350ml
KSh370.00 -
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 250ml
About this drink
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit is a Kenyan Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This drink has an aroma of malts and cracked nuts, with a sweet taste and a smooth intense flavour. A bold, warming Caribbean rum blended with spices and aged in Pedro Ximenez sherry casks for a distinctive finish.
KSh280.00Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 250ml
KSh280.00 -
The Original Glenmorangie 10 Years Old Whisky 1L
About this item
The Original Glenmorangie 10 Years Old is a Blended Scotch Whisky that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The Original Glenmorangie 10 Years Old neat, with a splash of water, or over 2-3 large rocks of ice, allowing its complex character to shine through with every sip.
KSh6,800.00The Original Glenmorangie 10 Years Old Whisky 1L
KSh6,800.00 -
The Original Glenmorangie 10 Years Old Whisky 700ml
About this item
The Original Glenmorangie 10 Years Old is a Blended Scotch Whisky that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The Original Glenmorangie 10 Years Old neat, with a splash of water, or over 2-3 large rocks of ice, allowing its complex character to shine through with every sip.
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Lucas Bols N.V. is a Dutch public company in the business of production, distribution, sales and marketing of alcoholic beverages. It claims to be the oldest distillery brand in the world.
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