Recommended Drinks
Johnnie Walker King George V Whisky 750ml
KSh65,000.00 -
Glenfiddich Excellence 26 Years Old Whisky 700ml
KSh60,000.00 -
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila 700ml
About this item
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila is a Mexican Tequila that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Let your palate revel in the layers of flavor. Embrace vanilla-y and earthy agave notes that intertwine seamlessly. A subtle touch of tropical fruit sweetness and honey adds a delightful complexity to every sip.
KSh55,000.00KSh60,000.00Clase Azul Reposado Tequila 700ml
KSh55,000.00KSh60,000.00 -
The Glenlivet 25 Years Old Single Malt Whisky 700ml
About this item
The Glenlivet 25-Year-Old is a Single Malt Scotch Whisky that contains 43% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The palate is a journey into opulence, where flavors of sweet fig and blood orange intertwine with warming ginger, toasted oak, and a subtle hint of charred pineapple.
KSh50,000.00The Glenlivet 25 Years Old Single Malt Whisky 700ml
Black Bird Natural Sweet White 750ml
About this drink
Black Bird Natural Sweet White is a South African sweet white wine that contains 13% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This delightful wine boasts a powerful exotic fruit flavor, featuring dominant notes of pineapple and passion fruit, with subtle hints of melon lingering in the aftertaste. Perfect for any occasion, it’s a true celebration of nature’s finest flavors.
KSh1,000.00Black Bird Natural Sweet White 750ml
KSh1,000.00 -
Black Bird Natural Sweet Red 750ml
About this drink
Black Bird Natural Sweet Red is a South African sweet red wine that contains 13% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This is a smooth, full-bodied wine that is bursting with flavours of ripe berries, plums, and cherries. It has a natural sweetness that makes it an ideal wine for those who prefer sweeter wines or who are new to wine tasting. It pairs well with a wide range of foods, including grilled meats, pizza, and spicy dishes.
KSh1,000.00Black Bird Natural Sweet Red 750ml
KSh1,000.00 -
8PM Honey Liqueur Flavored Whisky 750ml
KSh1,100.00 -
8PM Fire Cinnamon Flavored Liqueur Whisky 750ml
KSh1,100.00 -
Snapp Apple Flavour Beer Can 330ml
About this drink
Snapp Apple Flavour Beer is an American Beer that contains 4.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Snapp is a naturally refreshing, fruit flavoured alcoholic drink for the modern, sophisticated and classy person. It comes in a tantalizing apple flavour with undertones of citrus for that unmistakably sophisticated, fresh taste.
KSh190.00Snapp Apple Flavour Beer Can 330ml
KSh190.00 -
Sprite Lemon – Lime Flavoured Soda 500ml
About this item
Sprite Lemon-Lime Flavoured Soda is rich in the following ingredients: Carbonated Water, Sugar, Acidity Regulators (330, 331 (iii)), Preservative (211), Flavours (Natural Flavouring Substances). It contains 0% ABV (Alcohol By Volume).
KSh70.00 -
Sprite Lemon – Lime Flavoured Soda 1.25 Litres
About this item
Sprite Lemon-Lime Flavoured Soda is rich in the following ingredients: Carbonated Water, Sugar, Acidity Regulators (330, 331 (iii)), Preservative (211), Flavours (Natural Flavouring Substances). It contains 0% ABV (Alcohol By Volume).
KSh150.00 -
Sprite Lemon-Lime Flavoured Drink 2 Litres
About this item
Sprite Lemon-Lime Flavoured Soda is rich in the following ingredients: Carbonated Water, Sugar, Acidity Regulators (330, 331 (iii)), Preservative (211), Flavours (Natural Flavouring Substances). It contains 0% ABV (Alcohol By Volume).
KSh180.00 -
Black Bird Natural Sweet Rose 750ml
About this item
Black Bird Natural is a South African sweet rose wine that contains 9% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Indulge in the aromatic delight of Black Bird Natural Sweet Rose, crafted with the finest ingredients for a sparkling clean taste that satisfies your palate.
KSh1,000.00Black Bird Natural Sweet Rose 750ml
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