Recommended Drinks
Glenfiddich Excellence 26 Years Old Whisky 700ml
KSh60,000.00 -
Glenfiddich Select Cask Whisky 1 Litre
KSh6,000.00 -
Glenfiddich Reserve Cask Whisky 1 Litre
KSh7,800.00 -
Glenfiddich 15 Year Old Whisky 1 Litre
KSh11,000.00 -
Glenfiddich 12 Years Old Whisky 1 Litre
About this item
Glenfiddich 12 Years Old Single Malt is a Scotch Whisky that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This single malt delivers distinctively fresh and fruity notes with a hint of pear and develops into butterscotch, cream, malt, and subtle oak flavors.
KSh7,300.00Glenfiddich 12 Years Old Whisky 1 Litre
KSh7,300.00 -
Glenfiddich 12 Years Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml
About this item
Glenfiddich 12 Years Old Single Malt is a Scotch Whisky that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This single malt delivers distinctively fresh and fruity notes with a hint of pear and develops into butterscotch, cream, malt, and subtle oak flavors.
KSh6,000.00 -
Mucho Más Dry White Wine 750ml
About this item
Mucho Más is a Spanish dry white wine that contains 12.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Indulge in a crisp and dry finish that leaves a delightful aftertaste, echoing the essence of “Mucho, More!”
KSh2,000.00Mucho Más Dry White Wine 750ml
KSh2,000.00 -
Mucho Más 1.5L Dry Red Wine
About this item
Mucho Más is a Spanish dry red wine that contains 14% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). With a complex and broad palate, this Spanish gem comes alive with fruity and mineral notes, complemented by hints of noble leather, vanilla, and fine sensations of cocoa.
KSh3,600.00Mucho Más 1.5L Dry Red Wine
KSh3,600.00 -
Mucho Más Dry Red Wine Black Edition 750ml
About this item
Mucho Más Black Edition is a Spanish dry red wine that contains 14% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). With a complex and broad palate, this Spanish gem comes alive with fruity and mineral notes, complemented by hints of noble leather, vanilla, and fine sensations of cocoa.
KSh2,100.00Mucho Más Dry Red Wine Black Edition 750ml
KSh2,100.00 -
Mucho Más Dry Red Wine 750ml
About this item
Mucho Más is a Spanish dry red wine that contains 14% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). With a complex and broad palate, this Spanish gem comes alive with fruity and mineral notes, complemented by hints of noble leather, vanilla, and fine sensations of cocoa.
KSh2,100.00Mucho Más Dry Red Wine 750ml
KSh2,100.00 -
Glenfiddich IPA Single Malt Whisky 700ml
About this item
Glenfiddich IPA Single Malt is a Scotch Whisky that contains 43% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Zesty and hoppy, with the essence of pear, apple, spring blossom, and tangy hops. A prestige quality Scotch whisky that makes a great gift for discerning whisky drinkers
KSh7,700.00Glenfiddich IPA Single Malt Whisky 700ml
KSh7,700.00 -
Glenfiddich VAT 02 Perpetual Collection Whisky 1L
About this item
Glenfiddich VAT 02 Perpetual Collection is a Scotch Whisky that contains 43% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Deliciously smooth and silky. The sweetness of the spirit and spice of the Spanish oak combine to give a complex, intriguing flavor that evolves in the glass.