Recommended Drinks
Bellingham Chenin Blanc Dry White Wine 750ml
About this drink
Bellingham Chenin Blanc is a South African dry white wine that contains 14% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This wine is distinctively bold and lavishly perfumed. Flavours of tropical fruit, peaches and cream with seamlessly integrated vanilla oak spice. Serve with smoked fish, shellfish, poultry and soft cheeses.
KSh5,200.00Bellingham Chenin Blanc Dry White Wine 750ml
KSh5,200.00 -
Bonne Esperance Dry White 5 Litres
About this drink
Bonne Esperance is a South African dry white wine that contains 12.3% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This easy drinking white wine shows some tropical and guava nuances on the nose that is complimented by the slightly sweet, yet fresh and clean palate with a zesty finish. Enjoy on its own or with salads and white meat dishes. This wine is best enjoyed chilled.
KSh4,200.00Bonne Esperance Dry White 5 Litres
KSh4,200.00 -
Bonne Esperance Dry Red 5 Litres
About this drink
Bonne Esperance is a South African dry red wine that contains 13.65% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This easy drinking red wine has red berry and plum flavours on the nose. The palate is fruity and fresh, with a lingering finish. Enjoy this wine on its own, with barbeque dishes, grilled meat dishes, pizza or pastas with tomato based sauces.
KSh4,200.00Bonne Esperance Dry Red 5 Litres
KSh4,200.00 -
Bonne Esperance Dry White 750ml
About this drink
Bonne Esperance is a South African dry white wine that contains 12.3% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This easy drinking white wine shows some tropical and guava nuances on the nose that is complimented by the slightly sweet, yet fresh and clean palate with a zesty finish. Enjoy on its own or with salads and white meat dishes. This wine is best enjoyed chilled.
KSh800.00Bonne Esperance Dry White 750ml
KSh800.00 -
Bonne Esperance Dry Red 750ml
About this drink
Bonne Esperance is a South African dry red wine that contains 13.65% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This easy drinking red wine has red berry and plum flavours on the nose. The palate is fruity and fresh, with a lingering finish. Enjoy this wine on its own, with barbeque dishes, grilled meat dishes, pizza or pastas with tomato based sauces.
KSh800.00Bonne Esperance Dry Red 750ml
KSh800.00 -
Oban Little Bay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
KSh11,000.00 -
Finery Cucumber Infused Handcrafted Gin 750ml
KSh3,800.00 -
Finery Amber Elderflower Handcrafted Gin 750ml