• SKYY Vodka 750ml

    About this drink

    SKYY Vodka an American Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Its clean, crisp taste can be enjoyed on the rocks or in your favorite drinks. This smooth and versatile spirit is also perfect for creating a new cocktail of your own invention.

    SKYY Vodka 750ml

  • Ketel One Citroen Vodka 750ml

    About this drink

    Ketel One Citroen Vodka with natural flavour infused from lemons and limes is a Dutch Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Has a sweet and fresh aroma thanks to the burst of lemon zest on the nose. Taste the hints of freshly cut lemon and delicately sweet honey. Feels easy and pleasant, with a silky softness on the palate. It has a sweet honey and gentle lemony custard aftertaste, followed by a long finish.

  • Ketel One Vodka 750ml

    About this drink

    Ketel One Vodka is a Dutch Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). With its distinguished taste and smooth citrus finish, Ketel One Vodka stands in a league of its own. Whether served neat, on the rocks, or in a cocktail. Contains fresh hints of citrus and sweet honey on the nose. Savour the crisp, smooth zing flavour and a silky feel, signature softness on the tongue. Has a long finish with subtle flavors that embodies its quality.

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