Butlers Strawberry Flavoured Liqueur 750ml
KSh1,850.00 -
Jägermeister with Cork Herbal Liqueur 1 Litre
KSh3,600.00 -
Jägermeister with Cork Herbal Liqueur 700ml
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Jägermeister Manifest Herbal Liqueur 1 Litre
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Butlers Crème De Banana Liqueur 750ml
About this item
Butlers Crème De Banana is a South African Liqueur that contains 24% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Indulge in the velvety richness as the palate is caressed by the smooth infusion of creamy banana goodness. The delicate balance of sweetness unfolds, offering a taste that lingers.
KSh1,850.00Butlers Crème De Banana Liqueur 750ml
Are you looking for quality German Liqueur drinks in Kenya? Order online quality Jagermeister Liqueur drinks in Kenya and get free alcohol delivery within Nairobi CBD. Place your orders at Liquor Square and get your Jagermeister Liqueur drinks delivered within Nairobi for free.
Mast-Jägermeister SE is a German liquor company owned by the Findel-Mast family. The corporate offices are located in Wolfenbüttel. Jägermeister is the primary product of Mast-Jägermeister SE. They also produce the lesser known SchlehenFeuer, a brand of sloe gin.