Blue Ice Vodka 250ml
About this drink
Original Best Premium Vodka is a Kenyan Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This is a premium, triple-distilled spirit, expertly crafted from the finest spirit and purest water. Enjoy its silky-smooth texture and unparalleled taste, perfect for any occasion.
KSh200.00Blue Ice Vodka 250ml
KSh200.00 -
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila 700ml
About this item
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila is a Mexican Tequila that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Let your palate revel in the layers of flavor. Embrace vanilla-y and earthy agave notes that intertwine seamlessly. A subtle touch of tropical fruit sweetness and honey adds a delightful complexity to every sip.
KSh55,000.00KSh60,000.00Clase Azul Reposado Tequila 700ml
KSh55,000.00KSh60,000.00 -
Clase Azul Plata Tequila 700ml
About this item
Clase Azul Plata is a Mexican Tequila that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Clase Azul Plata Tequila leaves you with a long, often sweet aftertaste, inviting you to linger on the experience and appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into every bottle.
KSh26,000.00Clase Azul Plata Tequila 700ml
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