Tusker Lager Beer Can 500ml
About this item
Tusker Lager Beer Can 500ml is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Perfectly served at a cool 3-5°, Tusker Lager is available in 500ml cans & bottles…and as a Draught that’s fresh off the tap
KSh210.00Tusker Lager Beer Can 500ml
KSh210.00 -
Balozi Lager Beer Can 500ml
About this item
Balozi Lager is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Balozi is rich in natural taste, has no added sugar but character and it is a brewing excellence. Order now and enjoy either alone or with friends.
KSh210.00Balozi Lager Beer Can 500ml
KSh210.00 -
Pilsner Lager Beer Can 500ml
About this drink
Pilsner Lager is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.7% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Pilsner is a pale gold appearing beer with an airy white head. It has clear aromas of malt and yeast, with hints of hops. Along with these are traces of corn, fruit, and grass. It is light bodied with a slightly oily texture on the palate and average carbonation
KSh210.00Pilsner Lager Beer Can 500ml
KSh210.00 -
White Cap Lager Beer Can 500ml
About this drink
White Cap Lager is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Rich in aroma and flavor both provide huge citrus notes of orange and grapefruit along with apricot and blueberry, hints of clove and a grainy character – more crackery in the aroma, more toasty in the flavor. The body is light gold, very cloudy with a quickly dissipating, pillowy, white head.
KSh225.00White Cap Lager Beer Can 500ml
KSh225.00 -
Kenyan Originals KO Lime & Ginger Cider 330ml
About this drink
Kenyan Originals KO Lime & Ginger Cider is a Kenyan Beer that contains 8% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Bright, fresh Kenyan local limes and zesty ginger are hand crushed and blended to make a cool refreshing cider. 100% natural. No additives or preservatives. All made in Kenya.
KSh230.00 -
Kenyan Originals KO Pineapple & Mint Cider 330ml
About this drink
Kenyan Originals KO Pineapple & Mint Cider is a Kenyan Beer that contains 8% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Try the juicy goodness of Kenyan Originals pineapple mojito, KO Style! We get ripe pineapples from Kisii and juice them in house. Then we muddle fresh mint and lime and blend it all with our delicious cider. 100% natural. No additives or preservatives. All made in Kenya.
KSh230.00 -
Kenyan Originals KO Passion & Lime Cider 330ml
About this drink
Kenyan Originals KO Passion & Lime Cider is a Kenyan Beer that contains 8% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Passion fruit heaven . We only use the most fragrant Kenyan purple passions which we chop, deseed and juice. Then we blend, add a dash of fresh lime, bottle and pasteurise for a perfectly sweet and tart cider. 100% natural. No additives or preservatives. All made in Kenya.
KSh230.00 -
Kingfisher Strawberry Flavoured Alcoholic Beverage 300ml
About this drink
Kingfisher Strawberry Flavoured Alcoholic Beverage is a Kenyan Beer that contains 8% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This sweet concoction is perfect for sipping on its own or as a versatile mixer. Indulge in the luscious flavor of strawberries with Kingfisher Strawberry, a timeless classic that promises a delightful drinking experience every time.
KSh230.00 -
White Cap Crisp Beer Can 330ml in Kenya
About this drink
White Cap Crisp is a Kenyan Beer that contains 3% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Crafted to perfection, this brew is free from added sugar, ensuring a pure and natural taste experience. Best served ice-cold, each sip of Whitecap Crisp Beer is an invitation to savor the moment and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
KSh245.00White Cap Crisp Beer Can 330ml in Kenya
KSh245.00 -
Tusker Premium Cider Beer Can 500ml
About this item
Tusker Premium Cider is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Tusker Cider is a deliciously crisp, premium-crafted, and refreshing drink created from fresh apples, perfectly balanced for a drinking experience.
KSh250.00Tusker Premium Cider Beer Can 500ml
KSh250.00 -
Tusker Lite Beer Can 500ml
About this item
Tusker Lite is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Tusker Lite delivers an easy drinking experience. It’s time to take it easy. Easygoing is all about a true enthusiasm for life, which enhances shared experiences and camaraderie, a good sense of humor, and always a positive outlook on things.
KSh250.00Tusker Lite Beer Can 500ml
KSh250.00 -
Tusker Malt Lager Beer Can 500ml
About this item
Tusker Malt Lager is a Kenyan Beer that contains 4.2% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The finest Malt matured for twice as long as ordinary beer, plus s generous serving of flavoured-filled hops, gives Tusker Malt a premium, rich taste. Pop a bottle and the waft of hops in the air will tell all about the craft, the time and the perfection it takes to make Tusker Malt.
KSh250.00Tusker Malt Lager Beer Can 500ml
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