Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream Liqueur 750ml
About this item
Tequila Rose is an American Strawberry Cream Liqueur that contains 15% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Tequila Rose is made from real dairy cream, which is what gives Tequila Rose it’s rich strawberry flavour. Perfect served straight or in a number of cocktails
KSh2,600.00Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream Liqueur 750ml
KSh2,600.00 -
African Secret Marula Cream Liqueur 750ml
About this item
African Secret Marula Cream is a South African Liqueur that contains 15.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). The palate is greeted by a velvety symphony, as the creaminess mingles seamlessly with the natural sweetness of Marula. Each sip is a journey through the lush orchards of the African continent.
KSh2,000.00African Secret Marula Cream Liqueur 750ml
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