Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 350ml
About this drink
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit is a Kenyan Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This drink has an aroma of malts and cracked nuts, with a sweet taste and a smooth intense flavour. A bold, warming Caribbean rum blended with spices and aged in Pedro Ximenez sherry casks for a distinctive finish.
KSh370.00Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 350ml
KSh370.00 -
Bumbu Rum The Original 700ml
About this item
Bumbu The Original is a Barbadian Rum that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). Bumbu is a full-bodied rum with rich and complex aromas of Madagascan vanilla, soft caramel and toasted oak. Layered notes of roasted nuts, cinnamon and allspice are perfectly blended with a mild sweetness and a light, smooth finish.
KSh4,800.00Bumbu Rum The Original 700ml
KSh4,800.00 -
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 750ml
About this drink
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit is a Kenyan Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This drink has an aroma of malts and cracked nuts, with a sweet taste and a smooth intense flavour. A bold, warming Caribbean rum blended with spices and aged in Pedro Ximenez sherry casks for a distinctive finish.
KSh730.00Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 750ml
KSh730.00 -
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 250ml
About this drink
Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit is a Kenyan Spirit that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This drink has an aroma of malts and cracked nuts, with a sweet taste and a smooth intense flavour. A bold, warming Caribbean rum blended with spices and aged in Pedro Ximenez sherry casks for a distinctive finish.
KSh280.00Kenya Cane Smooth Spirit 250ml
KSh280.00 -
Bumbu Rum XO 700ml
About this item
Bumbu XO is a Barbadian handcrafted Rum that contains 40% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). No artificial colours or flavours are added to this rum, Just the best sugarcane, pure spring water and oak. Aromas of toffee, toasted oak give way to subtle hits of vanilla, orange zest and peppery spice.
KSh6,500.00Bumbu Rum XO 700ml
KSh6,500.00 -
Bumbu Rum Cream 700ml
About this item
Bumbu Cream is a Barbadian handcrafted Rum Liqueur that contains 15% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). A balanced combination of sweetness, spice, and cream. Bumbu Cream is perfect chilled straight, on the rocks, or in a cocktail.
KSh5,800.00Bumbu Rum Cream 700ml
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